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How many spies is China planting? The story of the Philippine mayor who was caught with Chinese spies from start to finish.

Recently, in my country too 
Can this really happen? 
There are a lot of things
happening ~~.

An unbelievable event happened in the Philippines
happened in the Philippines.

The investigation wasn't even about this female spy.
about this female spy.

A crackdown has uncovered a

' romance scams '

A number of people who had gone to the gambling houses to work were being held captive and used to defraud them.

The Philippine police investigating the case
that the romance scam was being run by a Chinese online gambling operation
behind the mayor's office in Bamban City.
behind the mayor's office in the rural Philippine town of Bamban.
half of the gambling house's approximately 79,000-square-meter property
and that half of the approximately 9,000 square meters of land belonged to Ms. Alice Guo.
the mayor of Bamban City.

While researching Ms. Guo.
I found out something very surprising.
First of all.

her very different appearance.
A very different appearance.
unbelievable changes

And secondly.

former mayor Alice Guo's hearing
that former Mayor Alice Guo
that there is no record of her before the age of 17
before the age of 17.

The lack of a pre-17 record
no school records, no hospital records.
no school records, no hospital records.
until she registered for a passport at age 17.
Ms. Alice Guo claims

that she was home-schooled, born to a Filipino father
and a Chinese mother.
but her Chinese mother's status at the time was that of a maid.
and her father, ashamed of that fact.
hid her until she was 17 years old....

Is there anyone who can believe this...

Third time I've heard of someone who had such a difficult upbringing
Alice Guo was incredibly wealthy.

She had a private helicopter.

and 16 supercars + luxury cars.
and when we asked her how she achieved this wealth
she said that she and her father had raised pigs
by raising pigs with her father.....


Anyway, what a surprise
After the hearing, Ms. Alice Guo
she declined to attend the next hearing and to do any interviews
and refused to give any interviews.

Later, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) investigated Alice Guo
the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation
with Chinese fingerprints.


I may not be the best judge of character.
but this... Looks a bit similar, doesn't it?

No matter how you look at it.

I think it's more similar than this.

Anyway, this is how I found this Chinese guy, Guo Hua Ping.
this guy, this guy, 21 years ago today.
21 years ago today.
in the Philippines in 2003, 21 years ago today.

Alice Guo, born in 1986.
I think she's about 38 or 39 years old, and she came here when she was about 17.
when she was like 17 years old. Actually, she was born in 1986.
I can't believe it at this point.

(Guo Huaping is 90 years old.)

Anyway, the Philippines found something so strange
the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation
to catch Ms. Guo.
Needless to say, Ms. Guo was arrested and
banned from leaving the country and other sanctions
and other sanctions against her.

But to their surprise, in Bambansi.
has already fled the country.

We don't even know when she fled abroad.
when she fled the country.
(Naturally, there is no record of her departure)

The incredible story of Alice Guo
Alice Guo, who thought she would never be caught, ended up in

was eventually arrested in Jakarta, Indonesia
and extradited to the Philippines.

An unbelievable Chinese spy
This story of Ms. Alice Guo
to be made into a movie.

I can't believe there are Chinese spies like this all over the world.
in every corner of the world.
Wow. I'm scared of the world.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

금요일이 되자 클럽에 몰린 20대 감염 걱정됩니다

지난 3월 20일 금요일 많은 20대들이 강남 번화가에 위치한 클럽으로 몰렸습니다.  정부에서 오히려 젊은 사람들한테 강하게 작용한다는 과도한 면역작용 사이토카인 폭풍에 대한 정보가 나오고 나서인데도 불과하고 아무런 효과를 못 보고 있는데요 ~ 젊은 사람들의 대답은.. 참 ... 아쉽습니다 ' 클럽 다니는 사람이 오히려 건강해 ' ' 클럽을 못오게 할꺼면 대중교통 및 직장 출근도 막아야한다 ' 는 입장입니다.. 참.. 한심스럽습니다. 여가 생활에 대한 제한 및 코로나19에 대한 우려로 학교 개학 연기는 까지 계속 되는 상황에 젊은 20대의 생각이 이 정도 밖에 안된다는 사실에 참.. 클럽 자영업자에 대한 조치는 어쩔수 없을수 있겠지만 한편으론 민주주의 선두를 달려간다는 미국의 강력한 조치에 반해 지지부진한 정부 대책 그리고 자영업자에 대한 대책을 생각하기 보다 먼저 영업 정지를 권유하는 정부에 자세도 아쉽기 그지 없습니다. 불금에 몰린 20대 관련 기사 - 중앙일보 현재 문대통령은 고위 공무원의 월급 일부를 반납하여 고통 받고 있는 국민들에게 도움이 주려고 하는데요. 고위 공무원 급여 40% 반납 관련 기사 - 국민일보 좋은 취지에 대해서는 정말 감사하지만 이런 보여주기식 보다는 실질적인 정책이 나오면 좋을꺼 같습니다. 그래도 이런 모습이 시작이라고 생각하고 분명 더 좋은 정책이 나올꺼라 믿습니다.

코로나 19 사태 분명 무섭지만 이겨 낼수 있습니다 ! 월급 절반 기부한 중국인 노동자

코로나 19로 인한 경제 위축, 경제 피해가 나날이 심해지고 있지만 그와 함께 정말 선한 기부 행렬 또한 계속 되고 있습니다.  앞어서 3.2 일에는 국대 프랜차이즈 대형 회사인 더본코리아에서 코로나 19 관련해서 힘든 가맹점 들을 위한 여로 대책들을 시행했습니다 코로나19 더본코리아 가맹점 대책 - TN뉴스 그리고 충남에 원수농공던지에 근무하는 중국인 노동자 반운작씨가 코로나 19로 어려움을 겪고 있는 소외계층 100만원의 성금 월급의 반을 기부했습니다 ~ 이외에도 코로나 19로 인해 어려움을 겪는 임대 사업주들에게 입대료를 깎아 주는 건물주들의 따뜻한 온정도 이어지는데요 ~ 물론 지금의 코로나 19 너무 어려운 국가적 위기, 재난에 가깝다고 생각합니다. 하지만 분명 이겨낼수 있고 이로인해서 더운 단단해질꺼라 믿습니다 !

It's not hard to prepare to move. moving tips checklist in KOREA

  Today, I'm going to tell you about  the moving tips checklist in KOREA If you're preparing to move, move your stuff.  These days, the moving store says it's taking care of everything. From utility bill calculation to internet, water purifier,  and air conditioner installation,  there are a lot of things you need to pay attention to. Don't think it's hard to prepare for moving,  and it won't be difficult if you keep checking and preparing. But there are some differences case by case. please check slowly by PODS Checklist Tax - 1. City gas. You must contact your local gas customer center  1 to 3 days prior to moving out of the city gas. In my case, I called (031 1544 3131). When you report a transfer,  the transfer report is on the day of moving in,  or a day before moving in if you have time. I think it's better to report the transfer the next day. If you can register, you can move in like this in the morning and afternoon. In my case, they don't do tha