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It's not hard to prepare to move. moving tips checklist in KOREA

 Today, I'm going to tell you about

 the moving tips checklist in KOREA

If you're preparing to move, move your stuff. 
These days, the moving store says it's taking care of everything.

From utility bill calculation to internet, water purifier,
 and air conditioner installation,
 there are a lot of things you need to pay attention to.

Don't think it's hard to prepare for moving, 
and it won't be difficult if you keep checking and preparing.

But there are some differences case by case. please check slowly


Checklist Tax

- 1. City gas.

You must contact your local gas customer center
 1 to 3 days prior to moving out of the city gas.

In my case, I called (031 1544 3131).

When you report a transfer, 
the transfer report is on the day of moving in,
 or a day before moving in if you have time.

I think it's better to report the transfer the next day.

If you can register, you can move in like this in the morning and afternoon.

In my case, they don't do that because the schedule is full.

And when the gas engineer visited on the transfer date,

It will settle the city gas charges used 
from the 1st of the month to the day of residence.

(Cash and credit card) After the payment, the receipt may become a duplicate claim later.

You'd better keep it or take a picture.

(In my case, the details of the gas 
bill receipt were sent to Kakao Talk.
 Please refer to it.)

For your information, there are people who leave the gas stove,
 and they must also register to leave.

Will you take the gas stove with you if you call?
 I asked, so you don't have to worry at all.

2. Water supply

 contact the customer center of 
the waterworks business headquarters
 in your area (120 without a national number).

You can calculate the rate by 
checking the water meter number and the meter number.

Usually two or three days before moving out,
 but in case of lease, we consult with the landlord 
through the real estate before the interior repairs.

Usually two to three days before moving, 
but in the case of lease,
 we consult with the landlord 
and make a decision through real estate.

So don't worry about 
how you're going to talk to the landlord,
 because you can come to the property
 and read it for me, or I can talk to the property
 after I read it and settle the account!

- 3. Electricity.

You can also check the number
 written in the toad house by contacting
 Korea Electric Power Corporation's
 customer center (cell phone area code + 123).

You don't have to worry abou
t it because real estate usually pays for it like the water supply.

If you think you have a headache, 
you can ask the real estate agency no matter what,
 so don't feel difficult and contact him.

In my case, I'm getting a discount on electricity bills for my baby.

You can apply again right after the transfer report.
 If you call Korea Electric Power Corporation,
 please kindly explain and proceed,
 so you don't have to have a hard time.

* In the case of unpaid electricity
 or water bills at home,
 if I apply for a transfer and
 transfer my name to my name,
 various utility companies will notify me in advance,
 but please check or change your name after
 checking or checking with the real estate.

- Management expenses

 In the ordinary case, it's better to pay by the day.
Don't pay one month fee. some person said 
" you have to pay one month fee"
but i think it is unfair. 

by qualcommaccelerator

It is my moving tips in Korea
I translated this Tips into a translator
so somethings strange please ask me
thank you for reading


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